About Eye Diseases Dry Eye Syndrome

Tears are essential in providing clear vision as well as comfort for our eyes. The tear film that coats the front surface of the eyes consists of lipid, water and mucous layers, and it helps to maintain a healthy ocular surface and protect the cornea from damage and infection. Lipid secreted by the meibomian glands prevents evaporation of the tear film from the ocular surface. The water layer, containing a complex mixture of electrolytes, antibodies, nutrients and other substances, is produced by lacrimal glands and conjunctival-cells and serves the purpose of lubrication. Mucus produced by conjunctival goblet cells provide an even and smooth tear film over the eyes to minimise friction during blinking. Tears drain out from the eyes through the tear ducts subsequently.

Change in the quality or quantity of tears compromises the ocular lubricity and results in dry eye syndrome. There are two common types of dry eye, aqueousdeficient and evaporative dry eye. Aqueous-deficient dry eye is characterised by decreased secretion of tears from the lacrimal glands and conjunctiva. Evaporative dry eye results from excessive evaporation of tear fluid from the ocular surface. It is mostly caused by meibomian gland dysfunction which affects the normal secretion of lipid. The usual patterns of dry eye are mixed aqueous-deficient/ evaporative forms. A special form of dry eye condition due to autoimmune disease can result in dry eye, also known as Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca, which may have systemic involvement.

Common Symptoms
Dry eye can be associated with a host of irritative symptoms. Damage to the ocular surface can be manifestation of severe dry eye. Common symptoms of dry eye include:

Common Causes
The cause of dry eye is multifactorial, and the common causes include:

If you are having eye discomfort and symptoms of dry eye, it is important that you discuss your condition with an ophthalmologist. A comprehensive eye examination is needed to evaluate the quality and quantity of tears produced by the eyes. Testing may include:

Treatment of Dry Eye Syndrome
The best treatment option will be tailored to the pattern and severity of dry eye by the ophthalmologist. Treatment strategies are fundamentally aimed to increase the fluid quantity on the ocular surface, augment the lubricity of tears and decrease tear evaporation.

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